Papyrus at Twillight, 21/12/2016
4 tahun yang lalu
Some say there's no evidence for God but I say go outside and look at all the beauty and order. I can't see this world happening by chance.(@The_HelpfulHand):
"Akan Kami perlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan dalam jiwa mereka sendiri hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa itu adalah kebenaran sejati"(QS:41;53).
I tried to formulate the difference of evidence in science and religion, perhaps that is not a perfect formula below:
Evidence of the truth in science is known by trial and always in general, meaning experiment or observation can be re-examined or demonstrated.
While evidence of the truth in religion is specific and proven itself in line with experience of each person, and can be described by those who experience it.